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Silos … and the walls came tumbling down …

The Challenge: You have vertical business units which currently exhibit silo behaviours where there is potential for collaboration and cross-selling.

The PB Mindset and PB Method could help with this in two ways: a quick win and a more strategic response.

Quick Win: Help the separate departments with what we call ‘Valuable Networking’, a key part of the PB Method. In a nutshell, this learnable skill increases the value of networks by connecting those in them more strongly: increasing the density of interconnections; and using the best connected more skilfully. As the value of the networks rise, all in them – individuals, the different business units and their clients – increasingly thrive.

The strategic approach builds on this.

Strategic Response: Working together, siloed departments generate a collective, motivating business goal  – their ‘Gold Medal’. This cuts across silo boundaries and incorporates separate objectives, making it easier for all to achieve their goals. A key part of the PB Mindset.

Then they set themselves PBs that reflect their individual and collective strengths and values. By getting the best out of themselves and each other, they power towards achieving their Gold Medal.

Now siloed departments are working collaboratively, they almost inevitably come up with new ideas for clients. Using other parts of the PB Method (our Meaningful Communications and Powerful Influencing) we can help the previous siloed departments develop ways to communicate these new ideas, influence their colleagues and stakeholders to support them and ultimately, clients to adopt them.

Contact us at info@personal-best.com to discuss how we might help you grow your business.

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