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Influence workshop for Fujitsu Future Leaders

Personal-Best has delivered an “Influencing Stakeholders” workshop to a cohort from the Fujitsu Future Leaders Programme.

The workshop provides participants with a flexible and powerful way to influence others (using Professor Cialdini’s model, globally recognised by governments and businesses).  It is one of the building blocks of the PB Methodology – a suite of sophisticated skills that assemble into a simple, powerful and realistic way of leading transformations from anywhere (and everywhere) within an organisation.

Quotes from the Future Leaders attending the December 2014 workshop:

“I’ve enjoyed all of our workshops but this one especially. I thought the style and delivery was excellent –which was very warm, engaging and gave us some great, none corporate, examples of using influencing skills.”

“It provided a simple strategy on how to influence stakeholders, techniques that are right in front of us but always overlooked. I’ve gained a lot from it and noticed that I actually try apply them in my communication. A definite thumbs up from me.”

“I thought the session was good, they obviously have lots of experience in this field and there was a good “toolset” to use, certainly made for some interesting discussion and challenging our behaviours.”

To find out more, contact us at info@personal-best.com

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